Skull Man's sad, but not for long! Soon he makes a new friend, and together, they make their world a little bit brighter - and make even more friends! This fun book teaches a valuable lesson - don't judge a book by its cover!
Publisher: Dobble-Riese Press
Language: English
E-book: 28 pages
Reading Age: 1-4 years
Dimensions: 8.25 x 8.25 inches
What is PizzaBubsie doing? Seems like he's sleeping but as it turns out, he's doing a LOT. In this book, PizzaBubsie demonstrates actions and emotions that kids may like to try too, from being happy or eating, to playing outside.
Publisher: Dobble-Riese Press
Language: English
E-book: 28 pages
Reading Age: 1-4 years
Dimensions: 8.25 x 8.25 inches
Much like the characters and content of our books, the name "Dobble-Riese" was inspired by my daughters. I would frequently wake them from their naps and be greeted by a chant, in unison, of "Dobble Reese! Dobble Reese!" Now - what does this mean? When I asked I just got giggles as a response. Good enough for me! It made sense for a business featuring the combined ideas of these two tiny, amazing people to be named by them as well. I went with a more unconventional spelling for Reese, just to make it a little more interesting, and off we went.
This imprint will be the jumping-off point for many different childrens' titles, with the two flagship books Skull Man Sad and PizzaBubsie is Sleeping leading the way. Primarily run by Kevin Kraeer - that's me - and my wife who runs The West Coast Kraeers, we'll keep this site updated as often as possible with new editions and new titles.
Until then, thanks for stopping by and feel free to contact us below with any inquiries.